Kinect Toolbox 1.2

I’m thrilled to announce the availability of Kinect Toolbox 1.2!

You can download it just there:

This new version introduces a lot of new features alongside bug fixes and various optimizations. As always, you will find in the archive the sources and associated samples (GestureViewer and KinectUI) in order to help you learn how to use the toolbox.

Context tracking

In order to help you detect wrong gestures, I added two classes:

  • ContextTracker: this class detects for you if the user is stable (and so if you can detect gestures or not)
  • EyeTracker: Using the new Face Tracking system of the SDK 1.5, this class allows you to detect if the user is currently looking at the sensor (to avoid detecting unwanted gestures)

With Kinect, you are the mouse!

To help you define adapted UI and control the mouse, the Kinect Toolbox introduces the following new Tools:

  • MouseController: A tool to control the mouse with your Kinect
  • MouseImpostor: A new control to replace the mouse pointer (like on Xbox)
  • Magnetic controls: An attached property to make magnetic controls in order to help you select controls with your Kinect

Combined gestures

With the ParallelCombinedGestureDetector and the SerialCombinedGestureDetector, you will be able to compose gestures (in a parallel or serial way) in order to create really complex gestures.

New PresenceControl control

The PresenceControl control is a WPF control you can use to give a visual feedback to your user. The position of the user’s hands is displayed on top of a depth stream representation.

New KinectUI sample

Kinect Toolbox 1.2 adds a new sample called KinectUI to show you how to create user interface adapted to Kinect: